Riviera. The name is special, and for the production run that spanned from 1963 to 1999, it has stood for the most special Buick of them all. This was Buick’s definition of the personal luxury car. If you have owned or driven one of these special automobiles, then you already know that they are a great combination of luxury and style. The 6th generation debuted in 1979, bringing a downsized model from its predecessor, with styling that was very reminiscent of the 1st generation 1963-65 model run. It changed little over the next seven years, and certainly was one of the best cars to roll out of a GM plant in the 1980’s. Many customers thought so as well since it has gone down as the best selling generation Riviera of all time, moving over 370,000 units in that period.

Based on the sales results from the first 3 years of the new model run, GM Brass was feeling pretty good about this car and decided to introduce a Convertible version in the spring of 1982. This being the first for Buick since 1975 and the first Convertible of any kind to come out of GM since the "The Last Of A Breed" 1976 Cadillac Eldorado was axed. This was a big step in 1982 as they were tough times for the American auto industry. 

   On February 25, 1982, a press release was sent out to all dealers. The all new, limited production, Buick Riviera Convertible will debut in the spring, mid-April 1982. Available in two colors only; White or Red Firemist Metallic with a Maple / Claret Leather Interior with a White Vinyl Top. Most never made it to dealers lot before mid to late July of that year and all featured the new updated 1983 Riviera Grill. This was a very well appointed automobile by 1982 standards and the price reflected it. 

(see sidebar)

    Consider this, a brand new 1982 Buick Riviera hardtop, a best seller for Buick, cost $14,898.45 base price with freight. Not a cheap car by any standard. The 1982 Buick Riviera Convertible, a new untested car for Buick, cost $24,494.25 base price with freight. Start adding more options and this car could top out at over $27,500.00. In 2023 dollars, adjusted for inflation, that would be a whopping $85,000! This was the highest priced automobile GM sold, and that was across every division, including Cadillac. In 1982 only 1248 were produced. Not a bad number for a newly introduced, limited production, high end automobile.

    While all Rivieras began life as a hardtop at the Linden, New Jersey assembly plant, they were soon on their way to American Sun Roof (ASC) in Lansing, Michigan. Here they would have the top removed, the structure strengthened, and the final assembly of the convertible top mechanism, rear seat and interior appointments. It should be noted that the rear seat assembly is unique to the convertible alone and will not interchange with the hardtop. After completion at ASC, it was off to the Dealer or Buick Zone Warehouse and Distribution Center in Flint, Michigan. 

    Many of these cars were driven by GM Executives, Zone Managers and other Officials within all ranks of GM. It was not uncommon to have 'Higher Ups' from Cadillac tooling around in a Buick Convertible as their division had been neutered of Convertibles a few years back. Cadillac liked this car so much that they got their own version in the form of the 1984 and 1985 Cadillac Eldorado. 

    If 1982 was good, 1983 had to be better and was, sort of. As Buick and ASC ramped up production, they produced 1,750 units for 1983, a jump of over 500 units from the previous year. The base price also jumped to $25,702.00 with freight up from 1982 by a bit over $1,200.00. As the production run in 1983 ended, it was obviously not as kind to the Riviera Convertible as the last year had been. While more had been built, most languished, unsold on dealer lots. Seems the new idea was a short lived one in the minds of the purchasing public and It was a lot of money to spend on a car. 

    Styling in 1983 was mostly unchanged from 1982. Options remained about the same, the 4.1 V6 was still the standard engine while the 5.0 V8 optional power-plant was the most popular. Like in 1982, you still could not get the Turbo V6 or 5.7 V8 Diesel engine options. This was the last year for the 8-track tape player but the CB Radio option would live on for another 2 years. Locking Wire Wheel Covers remained as standard equipment with the Chrome Plated Road Wheels as an option, coming with a $40 credit if ordered. 4 wheel disc brakes were still standard on the 1983 models, just as they had been in 1982, but then became optional on the 1984 and 1985 model year Convertibles. 

    If 1982 and 1983 were banner years with high production numbers, then 1984 and 1985, being the last two years, were the other end of the stick. Only 500 Convertibles were built in 1984, due to the record number of 1983’s still languishing on Dealer lots. Prices jumped yet again, now bringing the base with freight to $26,332.00 a $630 increase. 

    New for 1984 was the grill, tail lights and seat patterns in the interior. A headliner covering all the convertible top bows became standard. This made the interior look more complete and helped to lower cabin noise levels as well as keep it warmer in the winter. Gone was the 8-track tape, new to debut was the Bose Stereo Music System, but, it was not available on the Convertible. However you still could talk to your good buddy on the CB. The big change was in the engine options. For the first time you could order the much ballyhooed 3.8 Liter Sequential-port Fuel Injected Turbocharged V-6. This was a much needed option for this luxury sport coupe convertible. But as with the Diesel engines of the day it sold poorly, moving only 47 Riviera Convertibles with the turbo engine.  Price was another problem since it was a $900.00 option.

    1985 was to be the last year for this model run. It was getting a little long in the tooth as the body style had been around for 7 years. It was by far the most beautiful of all later year Rivieras to come out of Detroit as the 1986 model was anything but. 1985 was mainly carry over and not much was changed. This last year also saw another decrease in production, with only 400 Convertibles being built. Prices went up again to a $27,835.00 base with freight, a $1,503.00 increase. The standard engine now, for the first time, was the 5.0 V8, as the 4.1 V6 was dropped from the Riviera line. Still available was the 3.8 Liter Turbocharged V-6 engine option. It was a lower priced option than the year before at $735.00, but it still sold poorly and only 49 Riviera Convertibles rolled out of the Linden plant powered by it.  

    If you were to order a 1985 Buick Riviera Convertible loaded with all the options including the 3.8 Liter Sequential-port Fuel Injected Turbocharged V-6 engine, it would set you back a whopping $31,247.00! A pricey sum for sure and in 2023 dollars would be close to $90k. One thing all these Riviera Convertibles had in common was this; they were only available in 2 colors, White or Red Firemist. All came with a white vinyl top, with 84 and 85 being the only years they were lined and all had the Maple (name used only in early 1982) or Claret Leather Interior. These two names were mostly the same color, very dark red, but the latter two years, 1984 and 1985 were a bit darker as GM changed its vendor that supplied the leather. 

    So now that we know the history of how this model came to be, let’s look at how ASC created this beauty. Follow along with the pictures on the side detailing the different work stations and checkpoints on the ASC assembly line.


The creation of a Riviera Convertible by Automobile Specialty Company a division of ASC, Inc., in Lansing, Michigan

    From the time it rolls onto the production line as a finished hardtop until the time it emerges as a luxurious convertible, the Riviera will pass through 32 stations and will take on over 300 new component parts.

Convertible conversion is a labor intensive business in which precision is imperative. Most of the work must be done by hand. It is for this reason that all of the Big Three automakers have contracted with quality conversion shops to turn their shining new cars into sporty ragtops.

The Buick Riviera conversion was handled by the Automobile Specialty Company Division of ASC, Inc. in their Lansing, Michigan plant. Each conversion takes 10 hours to complete with ASC turning out approximately 30 convertibles a day. Not bad when you consider the work that goes into each one of these beautiful automobiles.


The Conversion Begins....

    The car, complete except for backseat and headliner, rolls to Station 1. Here, the front seats and remaining trunk and interior trim pieces are removed and the car body is covered for protection. Almost immediately, the top of the car is removed. Using three separate tools, an air shear, air chisel and reciprocating saw, two workers actually cut off the top of each Riviera.

Next, the car passes through several stations where the finishing process begins. Drain troughs are placed along the top of the opening for reinforcement as well as drainage. All wet zones are waterproofed. All structural reinforcing, welding and wire routing occurs at this point. The cut edges are sanded and primed, as are all welded areas. Sealers are added to prevent rusting and the header system is completed.

One of the key steps in ASC's conversion process revolves around the use of a birdcage-like structure or fixture. This metal frame fits into the opening and locates critical mounting points on the vehicle. By detecting and compensating for body build variations, each car is assured a quality fitting top.

Next, the first of many quality inspections takes place. Those cars that pass the inspection continue on the line. Those that are rejected go to a repair station and must pass a second inspection before continuing.


Topping It Off....

    The convertible tops are the next to be installed. They're built at off-line stations and are made of a diamond grain, double textured coated vinyl. Once the top is on, seal retainers and seals are applied and bonded into position. Effective sealing is key to providing consistent quality.

   Next, the window glass must be adjusted. This is one of the most difficult steps in the conversion process. Precision is paramount. Think about it: moving pieces of glass must not only seal to each other, but to a moveable top as well. Without tightly sealed windows, problems like wind noise and water leakage result.

   The electrically operated rear quarter window mechanism is unique to the convertible version of the E-body and the development of this mechanism...with the action and motion necessary for adequate sealing...required a tremendous engineering effort. In many convertibles, the rear quarter windows are eliminated simply to avoid this difficult and time consuming development process.

   After yet another inspection, the underbody weld areas are undercoated and the the convertible is ready for the test of tests...the water test. In a period of four minutes, 350 gallons of water are sprayed on the car from above and below. An inspector inside the car checks for leaks. If repairs are necessary, they must be made and the car must pass the water test again before moving on.


The Finishing Touches...

    With the nitty-gritty portion of the conversion complete, the cars are ready for the finishing touches. First, the trunk trim is re-installed and the car interior is vacuumed out. Floor mats, the console and inner quarter panel assemblies, complete with radio speakers are next. Then comes the rear seat assembly, which is slightly smaller than in the hardtop version of the Riviera. Finally, the front seats are returned and every aspect of each car is inspected again. When they pass inspection, all cars are hand polished with Mirror Glaze, a GM recommended finishing product.

You may think the car is ready for shipping, but ASC and Buick want to make sure. Therefore, every car undergoes a second water test. Then, when ASC and Buick are convinced that they've produced a quality vehicle, the top is wrapped in a protective covering before being sent to the dealerships.

To the prospective buyers that "ooh" and "aah" over the Riviera Convertible on the dealers lot, the convertible is a dream's more than just a car. If they only knew how much more!


How many are left??? That is what we are going to attempt to find out. I do not have the numbering system that ASC may have used so I will list them by their VIN in sequential order. I am requesting that if you want to be added to the Registry, please send me your VIN number, Name, City / State, Mileage, and Color/ If you wish to remain anonymous that is fine, please specify that and I will not print your name.

I am looking for any info on these cars from Buick or ASC employees that may have been involved during the time period these were being produced. I need documentation and contacts. Copies of your cars build sheet are very helpful. These are easy to find and are located under the driver’s seat and sometimes the passenger seat(see below) or above the gas tank.



Locating the Build Sheet...

Pictured on the side is the Build Sheet under the passenger seat of a Turbo Convertible.
The seat is pictured out of the car on its back to show you what to look for.
The build sheet is pictured below.

(Click on Images to Enlarge)

1985 Turbo Convertible Build Sheet from under the seat.  


(Click on Images to Enlarge)

1985 Turbo Convertible Build Sheet / VIN 1G4EZ6796FE429198 / Is it yours? 

This Build Sheet was found behind the back seat of Jim Carter's 1985 Riviera Coupe.
Jim, a member of the ROA, is from Lee's Summit, MO and graciously donated it to this site.
I thank him for his contribution.